Monday, September 17, 2007

OK, now I'm pissed....

QUESTION: There IS such a thing as "an end in sight", right? Just asking. Because it doesn't seem like it with Iraq. THIS ISN'T WHAT THIS POST IS ALL ABOUT. Just stay with me here. OK, so Iraq. We've been stuck there for like 4 years; we're gonna still be stuck there for God knows how long, around 4500 U.S. deaths, like 500,000 civilian casualties, went in for weapons of mass destruction that were really storage units, blah, blah, blah. FIRST OF ALL, who knows? Those tubes could've been the weapons Bush was talking about. Maybe Iraq was building some sort of...I don't know....supersized catapult to hurl the empty tubes over here and literally "make a dent" in us. Like I said, WHO KNOWS. Okay, so onto what this post is about. After reading the above lines, do YOU think it would be a good idea to go to war with ANOTHER Middle-East country who'll fight JUST AS HARD against the cursed infidels as the guys in Iraq are? Well Li'l Georgie thinks its a good idea. That's right. Think I'm being gullible again? FALSE. Look it up. GRANTED, Iran CAN ACTUALLY BE a threat to us. Now, I don't mean to offend anyone by this post, but don't you think we should end one craphole before we might get stuck in another?

Saturday, September 15, 2007

What is WRONG with us?

As I'm writing this, I'm coming to a realization. Ten minutes ago I saw a commercial for High School Musical 2. Sickened, I change the channel. A wal-Mart commercial comes on. Wal-Mart's having a sale on High School Musical stuff. Anything, really. DVD's, soundtracks, clothes, backpacks, everything the 8 year old HSM fan would want. IT'S AN EPIDEMIC. WHEN WILL THE MADNESS END?!?! I know high school age girls who ADORE this godforsaken movie. My cousins WORSHIP it. I CAN'T FREAKING STAND IT. I'd be willing to bet that the average teenage girl could give you the names (real and character) of EVERY PERSON on this satanic movie. Now, I come to my point. What percentage of these viewers (high school age, mind you) can give you a reason WHY we're in Iraq? Or the name of the president? Or even the name of their state's governor? EXACTLY. I rest my case.

Well...I guess this is it.

Hey guys,
Well, this is my first post. Don't really know what I'm doing here but I guess we'll find out. Well let's get today's session started, shall we? FACT: Bush lied about the war. "But Sean!" you say, "you're just fourteen years old! You probably just heard that on the news or from your parents or something and decided to believe it! Get over yourself you dumb liberal! We've all heard lies like that before!"FACT: I'm not a stupid liberal, I didn't hear it from my parents or on the news, and I RESEARCHED it. That's right. An adolescent ACTUALLY READ UP ON SOMETHING. No lie. Those "WMD's"? They were HOLLOW URANIUM TUBES. They COULD HAVE been used to store uranium. BUT THEY WEREN'T. Don't believe me? Go to your local bookstore ("bookstore? what's that?" yeah, I know what you're thinking) and buy "George W. Bush vs. the United States Constitution". It's a pretty cool book. Kinda scary, too. QUESTION: Did you know the land of the free isn't quite free? "Stop defaming our unstoppable juggernaut of a country you commie!" you say. (FACT: I'm not a commie.) Well, it's's true too. Found out via TIME magazine. "But Sean, if that's true, than who's ahead of America, the most bestest, unbeatable country ever??" The answer is, silly citizen, (drumroll please....) POLAND!!! That's right folks, what you thought was the pussiest country in the world ISN'T. They ranked in at 100% freedom. Freedom to speak out, freedom of voting (none of this electoral college crap), pretty much freedom of everything. Oh, and they also have TRUST IN THEIR LEADERS. Australia came in 2nd with 98.7%, and the U.S. o' A came in as the 35th free-est (?) country in the world at 84.3%. This is mostly due to the simple fact that los Americanos DON'T TRUST THE GOVERNMENT. It's simple fact we have to face, people. Oh, and we're also not-so-free as we're told because the GODFORSAKEN ELECTORAL COLLEGE. God, those guys grind my gears....